Ostatni weekend majowy miałam szczęście spędzić w Wiedniu i ze szczerością mogę stwierdzić, że jestem niesamowicie zauroczona tym miastem. Chyba ze wszystkich miejsc, które odwiedziłam podczas mojego trzydniowego pobytu w tym miejscu, największe wrażenie zrobił na mnie
Schönbrunn oraz ogrody go otaczające. Mam nadzieję, że moje próby uchwycenia atmosfery tego miasta przypadną wam do gustu.
Z góry przepraszam, że nie cały teks posta jest napisany po polsku, ale wynikło to tylko i wyłącznie z braku czasu :) Zapraszam...
Lately I've benn lucky engough to visit this amazing city. Vienna has betwitched by with its energy and freshness. Below you can see a few snafshoots I took.

I got this impression, that especially in the city centre, all the important buildings were build in slightly different architectural styles, but even though they composed so well together. Every single one of them was beautiful in its own way and it was very hard to compare them.

I think you can observe similar correlation while looking at people. They are all different but still they create communites and can work so well together. (Wow, sorry if it sounds too ... trying-to-sound-smart :)) I am smitten by a big methropolities where people from diferent cultures live. It is probably mostly because we don't have that diversity in our country.
I was already down this hill when the lights around Schönbrunn were turned on. Obviously I just HAD TO go back and snap a pic. Let me tell you one thing, that was probably one of the funniest moments of my city-break. Well, in that particular moment it wasn't all funny, because I was running up the hill, with my camera in my hands, in my not-so-comfy shoes and I had to be really quick because the gardens were being closed in 5 minutes :) Fortunately I made it, still I wish the sky on the photo was a bit darker. I can honestly say that visiting Schönbrunn was probably one of the highlights of the trip.
All of the photos above and below are taken by me, exept from this one :) This is me in the photo, and it was taken by my best friend who is a hudge inspiration to me when it comes to photography (and of course other stuff too :))
Thank you all for reading. I hope I didn't bore you with too much details :)
If so, I hope to be better next time.
I wish you all a lovely evening !
Wow, your photos are lovely! What do you use to edit your photos? To answer your question, I like Afterlight and VSCO cam for iPhone photos, and for my SLR I use Photoshop and Toycamera Analog.
OdpowiedzUsuńLove your blog, I'll definitely be visiting again soon :)
Thank you for your answer and I'm so glad you liked our blog :) I've never heard of VSCO cam, but I've recently downloaded it and became addicted to it at once :) Zuza
UsuńTeż byłam ostatnio w Wiedniu i muszę przyznać że twoje zdjęcia całkowicie oddają urok tego miejsca! Zwłaszcza zdjęcie "karuzeli" na Praterze - świetne :)