sobota, 29 czerwca 2013

Summer Essentials (by Zuza)

Today it's my first offical day of summer holidays. I'm pretty exicted since my summer is going to be filled with lots of different events,but what I'm mostly happy about is the fact that I'll finally have some time for myself and I (hopefully) we'll be able to relax and forget about this stresfull school year. 
Here are some of my summer must-haves:

 Below you can see my inspiration for this post:

Photos 1,2,4,5 -
Photo 3 -
Photo 6 -

 Some other summer related posts I found interesting:
 a) 16 Classic Summer Songs You Need to Know—Now! - by
 b) Beach Sprays For All hair Types - by
 c) Mini Cotton and leather summer clutch DIY - by

Yesterday was my last day as a middle school student. I'm really sad about that, but I'm looking forward to going to a new school, to new challenges, and new people.

Have a great summer!!!
xoxo, Zuza

wtorek, 25 czerwca 2013

DIY: Mini magazine notebooks (by Zuza)

Hi! In today's quick post I would like to share with you a little DIY project I've done recently. It was fully inspired by the two lovely girl from abeautifulmess.  I must confess I've became quite addicted with their blog during last days + their diy projects are truly magical (honestly speaking at one point I spent about 5 hours just browsing the diy section on their blog - I know, quite stalker like :))
Here's a link to the post that inspired me to do the DIY. This notebooks were a present to my two friends. We've been talking about making a list of things we would like to achieve in life for quite a long time now. So I decided to make those so that we could get down to it properly. I know my diy is not perfect, but I'm a begginer.
One thing I can say for sure was that it was really fun to make those and I hope to make more DIYs during the summer and hopefully I'd become more crafty :)

What do you think of my mini magazine notebooks?
Do you like making DIYs?

Have a great Tuesday,

P.S. Unfortunately I won't be able to blog during first two weeks of summer but I prepared some summer related posts for you, and Kasia promised to post them for me. So please look out for those :)

piątek, 21 czerwca 2013

Summer Style #1: Let's go camping with Topshop

Uwielbiam Topshop za to, że wszystkie ubrania w tym sklepie są bardzo uniwersalne. Kiedy wczoraj oglądałam ich kolekcję wiosna/lato 2013 niektóre elementy wydały mi się idealne na wyprawę pod namiot. Tak właśnie narodził się pomysł tego posta, a że ostatnio po raz pierwszy wybrałam się na właśnie taką wyprawę, stwierdziłam, że spróbuję napisać coś na ten temat. Zapraszam:

Yesterday while browsing Topshop's web page I got really inspired by all the amazing clothing. The very first thought that struck me when I saw their new collection was "this would make perfect outfits for a camping trip". Since I recently have been on this sort of trip I decided to share with you some ways to look stylish during camping in the woods.

Wszystkie elementy z zestawu wyżej pochodzą z Topshopu z wyjątkiem turkusowego naszyjnika.
All the pieces above are from Topshop (except from the necklace - I just felt that this first outfit was missing something :))

Nie mam wielkiego doświadczenia jeżeli chodzi o spanie pod namiotem, ale dla mnie niezbędne są: krem z filtrem, spray na komary, nie pogardziłabym również namiotem, takim jak ten powyżej z Fieldcandy. Poleciłabym zabranie wody micelarnej w spray'u, która jest idealna, jeżeli chcecie się odświeżyć.

I don't really have that much camping experience, but my essentials are things like sun cream, mosquito spray, hat, you also can't go wrong with a stylish tent like this one above from Fieldcandy. What I would also recommend is a micellar water in spray, it's perfect if you want to freshen up.

Recently I've discovered that camping can actually be a lot of fun. Normally I would be the last person to go on this sort of trip - I hate insects and big forests aren't my thing either. Lucklily my brother who loves camping lended me all the equipment (who would have thought that CAMPING from all the things would probably the firt one me and my big brother have in common). The weirdest part is that even thought I came back with tons of mosquito bites (about 50) and lots of bruises on my legs (goodbe perfect legs for the summer :(((( ), I must say this experience was highy enjoyable and (I have to admit that) I'd love to go camping again :)

Do you like camping? 
Have you got any camping tips you could share ?

środa, 12 czerwca 2013

Celebrity Style: Karen Gillan (by Zuza)

Dzisiejsza notka jest, mam nadzieję, pierwszą z serii postów o stylu gwiazd. Jako swoją inspiracje wybrałam Karen Gillan, uroczą młodą Szkotkę, która jest chyba najbardziej znana z roli Amy w brytyjskim serialu Doctor Who (który to ostatnio oglądam nałogowo :D)
Poniżej możecie oglądnąć kilka zestawów ubrań inspirowanych Karen, które sama stworzyłam.

Todays post is (hopefully) going to be a first one from our "Celebrity Style" series. My inspiration for this one was a lovely Scottish girl, known for her role as Amy in Doctor Who - yep, it's Karen Gillan! I am obsessed with this series right now and I must say I'm charmed with Miss Gillan's style :)
Below are a few Karen Gillan inspired outfits I made. Enjoy:
Dress - H&M, Oversized Coat - Halston Heritage, Ankle Booties - Jeffrey Campbell
Bag - Mulberry Alexa, Sunglasses -
Mini skirt - Bandolera, Cat Head Printed Sweater -, Satchel - Oasis
Loafers - Jeffrey Campbell, Sunglasses - Ray Ban

White Shirt - Zara, Mini Skirt - Alexander Wang, Sunglasses - Karen Walker
Satchel -Proenza, Ankle Booties - Jillan Chelsea

Sweater -, Mini Skirt - Bardot, Hat - Dsquared2, Sunglasses - Ray ban, Bag - Muberry Alexa, Combat boots - Diesel

I hope you  liked the sets I made :) Below you can see a few ones I found on the internet:
Found HERE

 Found HERE

Found HERE

W mojej opinii styl Karen jest idealną mieszanką stylu retro z nowoczesnością. Po jej stylizacjach widać, że moda to dla niej przede wszystkim zabawa. W każdym z outfit'ów można również znaleźć jeden punkt, który przyciąga uwagę, sprawiając, że stylizacje są idealnie wyważone, a co najważniejsze - nie zieją nudą. Gillan umie również podkreślać swoje atuty, którymi niezaprzeczalnie są długie nogi oraz burza ognistych, rudych włosów.

In my opinion Karen's style is a mixture of vintage with a bit of edgy added to it. She tries to make each stylisation completely her own, also each one of her outfits has this one main focal point that alwas makes it interesting. It's obvious that for her fashion is fun and she's not afraid to experiment. Karen rarely wears heels, she mostly puts on some ankle booties, oxfords or loafers - so probably comfort is very importatnt for her (+ she's probaly not very good at walking in heels since in one interview he tried to cover up a hudge bruise she did while stumbling in shoes with massive heel). I love her style because it is fresh, fun, with a perfect dose of britishness added to it.

Thanks for reading and have a great Wednesday night!
Please let me know,which one of the outfits I made you liked best :)

xoxo Zuza

czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013

Vienna seen with my eyes - Zuza

Ostatni weekend majowy miałam szczęście spędzić w Wiedniu i ze szczerością mogę stwierdzić, że jestem niesamowicie zauroczona tym miastem. Chyba ze wszystkich miejsc, które odwiedziłam podczas mojego trzydniowego pobytu w tym miejscu, największe wrażenie zrobił na mnie 
Schönbrunn oraz ogrody go otaczające. Mam nadzieję, że moje próby uchwycenia atmosfery tego miasta przypadną wam do gustu.
Z góry przepraszam, że nie cały teks posta jest napisany po polsku, ale wynikło to tylko i wyłącznie z braku czasu :) Zapraszam...

Lately I've benn lucky engough to visit this amazing city. Vienna has betwitched by with its energy and freshness. Below you can see a few snafshoots I took.

I got this impression, that especially in the city centre, all the important buildings were build in slightly different architectural styles, but even though they composed so well together. Every single one of them was beautiful in its own way and it was very hard to compare them.

I think you can observe similar correlation while looking at people. They are all different but still they create communites and can work so well together. (Wow, sorry if it sounds too ... trying-to-sound-smart :)) I am smitten by a big methropolities where  people from diferent cultures live. It is probably mostly because we don't have that diversity in our country.
I was already down this hill when the lights around Schönbrunn were turned on. Obviously I just HAD TO go back and snap a pic. Let me tell you one thing, that was probably one of the funniest moments of my city-break. Well, in that particular moment it wasn't all funny, because I was running up the hill, with my camera in my hands, in my not-so-comfy shoes and I had to be really quick because the gardens were being closed in 5 minutes :) Fortunately I made it, still I wish the sky on the photo was a bit darker. I can honestly say that visiting Schönbrunn was probably one of the highlights of the trip.

All of the photos above and below are taken by me, exept from this one :) This is me in the photo, and it was taken by my best friend who is a hudge inspiration to me when it comes to photography (and of course other stuff too :))

Thank you all for reading. I hope I didn't bore you with too much details :) 
If so, I hope to be better next time.

 I wish you all a lovely evening !